Knowledge Products: Training Resources and Case Studies

NDRC Nepal engaged in different kinds of project initiatives and documents its learning through a number of knowledge management products.

The training manuals are developed by NDRC Nepal for the sharing and knowledge building to its partner and wider stakeholders.

The case studies are one of them shared with the stakeholders for knowledge exchange among south and south and south-north.

Follow the links for the documents:

व्यवसाय निरन्तरता व्यवस्थापन तालिम पुस्तिका,२०८० Business Continuity Management (BCM) Training Manual in Nepali

सहभागी हाते-पुस्तिका व्यवसाय निरन्तरता व्यवस्थापन, २०२ Hand book on Business Continuity Management (BCM) Reference book for the BCM Training participants and practitioners in Nepali.

Private Sector Engagement: Collaborative Approach in Disaster Management (COVID-19 Response) in Nepal

Humanitarian Standards in Practice: Empowering Communities for Times of Crisis Rights- Based Approach in Nepal

DRR and Governance: Strengthening Risk Governance and Localizing Disas­ter Risk Reduction and Management in Nepal