Organizational Structure

The executive committee (EC), elected by NDRC Nepal, provides overall policy direction and guidance in respect of the overall management and implementation of the projects. The EC seeks necessary advice and supports its partners and well-wishers from time to time.  The General Council (GC) of promoters is the apex body of the organization which provides overall guidance to the organization. The GC comprises representatives from various levels of members: organizational, active, life, founding, and honorary. It also approves the annual plans and programs including financial progress. The GC elects the members for EC. The Advisory Committee makes policy decisions and provides strategic directions. Right now, NDRC Nepal has 7 EC members and 25 GC members.

It has major four program components: social development, economic improvement, environmental management, and capacity building. The EC manages these four components assigning one of its members as the focal person for each component.

Further, NDRC Nepal has developed a strategic plan to guide its actions ahead. It has organizational policies including financial and staff management to make the organization transparent and make its staff capable to adjust to changing program areas of the organization.

NDRC Organogram

NDRC Organogram