NPP: Institutionalized partnerships and multi-sector cooperation mechanisms through a whole-of-society approach: Under Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) Phase 3

Funding Agency:  ADPC, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Implementing Period:  March 2024 to February 2026
Project Area:  Nepal, All Seven Province and selected Municipalities in Chitwan
Theme:  Strengthening, Mainstreaming and Institutionalization of DRRM, Emergency Preparedness and Readiness
Scope:  Consolidating and improvising upon the attainments of Phase 1 (2016 to 2019), and Phase 2 (2019-2023) through the multi-stakeholder partnerships; APP Phase 3 aims to build on this momentum, concentrating on solidifying and maintaining both country-specific and regional partnerships to ensure their longevity. Focus on:

• Strengthening sub-national and local organizations for disaster preparedness through partnership and community engagement; • Institutionalizing partnerships and multi-sector cooperation mechanisms through a “whole of society” approach; • Enhance preparedness and readiness of the local actors to anticipate and accelerate emergency response through innovative pilot programs leveraging the Asian Disaster Readiness Fund (ADRF).
Implemented by:  NPP/NDRC Nepal

NPP: Increased locally led actions to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters in Nepal

Funding Agency:  ADPC, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Implementing Period:  01 October 2020 to 28 February 2023
Project Area:   Nepal, All Seven Province and selected Municipalities in Chitwan
Theme:   Emergency Preparedness
Scope:  Humanitarian standards institutionalized among local actors; Strengthen Technical and Operational Capacity of local champions, organizations and systems to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters; Improved National Coordination Mechanism by integrating local actors (National Preparedness Partnerships) into existing Coordination Systems (such as Inter-agency Standing Committee (IASC), Cluster Systems etc; Integrated priority interventions and sustainable mechanisms for locally led actions; Enhanced South-South Learning and Knowledge exchange among APP countries
Implemented by:  

Locally-led Actions for COVID 19 Preparedness and Response in APP Countries-Nepal

Funding Agency:  ADPC, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Implementing Period:  June 2020 to December 2021
Project Area:  Nepal, All Seven Province and selected Municipalities 
Theme:  Emergency Preparedness and Pandemic Management
Scope:  Strengthen the interface between HEOC and NEOCs; Enhanced Community Engagement and Response through Risk Communication and Awareness on COVID-19; and Enhanced south-south learning and knowledge exchange for COVID-19 preparedness and response.
Implemented by: