• NDRC Nepal Executive Director Mr. Shyam Jnavaly addressing the meeting highlighting the importance of International Cooperation and Private Sector Role in DRR

    This month … Talk on International Cooperation and Private Sector on DRR at DPNet Nepal 13th AGM …

  • Public-Private Partnership Initiative on “Strengthening Local Health Systems for Preparedness and Response to Pandemics”

  • Strengthening Local Health Systems for Preparedness and Response to Pandemics

  • Sharing on Comprehensive School Safety in Nepal

  • After Action Review Meeting “Locally-led Actions for COVID 19 Preparedness and Response in APP Countries”


NPP: Institutionalized partnerships and multi-sector cooperation mechanisms through a whole-of-society approach: Under Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) Phase 3

Institutionalized partnerships and multi-sector cooperation mechanisms through a whole-of-society approach: Under Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) Phase 3. This project is supported by the Asian Disaster...

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Preparedness and Capacity building on COVID Response

The orientation program on Capacity Building of Local Health Workers and Humanitarian Organization to strengthen the local health system has been organized in all...

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APP Updates

Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) and the National Disaster Risk Reduction Centre (NDRC) Nepal have had a good relationship for a very long time...

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Our Projects

NPP: Institutionalized partnerships and multi-sector cooperation mechanisms through a whole-of-society approach: Under Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) Phase 3

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NPP: Increased locally led actions to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters in Nepal

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Locally-led Actions for COVID 19 Preparedness and Response in APP Countries-Nepal

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Building Resilience to Disaster by Promoting and mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management and Resilience Initiatives in Earthquake Affected Communities (BURDAN) Project

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Pragati Project- “Promoting Resilient and Sustainable Urban Growth by Augmenting DRR capacity of Local Authorities Through active private sector Involvement”

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Safer Cities (Surakshit Sahar)- Urban DRR Project in Kathmandu Valley

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