“Training on Disaster Data Collection and Analysis –Phase II completed”
National Disaster Risk Reduction Centre (#NDRC) facilitated second phase of “Training on disaster data collection and analysis” organized by Nepal Red Cross society and supported by DDRC and Red Cross Consortium (DIPECHO-8) at Chispani, Kailali from August 27 to August 30, 2016 to strengthen and enhance capacity of staff from District Emergency Operation Centre (#DEOC),District Administration […]
“Delivering improved emergency preparedness and response in Nepal through enhanced partnership between the Red Cross and the Government of Nepal – DIPECHO 8”
DIPECHO-8 is implemented by Nepal Red Cross Society with the financial support of ECHO and RC consortium in Bardiya, Banke and Dang District covering two most vulnerable VDCs in each district. Identifying need of capacity building of the stakeholders working in the field of disaster on disaster data collection and analysis, DDRC and DIPECHO-8 consortium […]
Strengthening Local Capacity for Reducing the Risk of Disaster and the impact of Climate Change implemented in six VDCs of Kapilvastu District
Project Introduction The study is about the project entitled “Strengthening Local Capacity for Reducing the Risk of Disaster and the impact of Climate Change” implemented in six VDCs of Kapilvastu District. The project with five months duration was held to strengthen the ability of river basin dwellers to respond resiliently to the risks of disaster […]
NATIONAL DISSEMINATION of Research on “Impact of Nepal’s 2015 Earthquake on Older People and Persons with Disabilities”
“The research on Impact of Earthquake on Older People (OPs) and person with disabilities, a research first of its kind has become the baseline showcasing need for advocacy and further research in the issues of inclusion of OPs and person with disabilities in general and during humanitarian assistance post disaster,” concluded Dr. Gauri Shankar Lal […]